we all have a reason for waiting to start our own thing
Once you start paying attention and looking at things from your own creative point of view, you'll see how every new accomplishment leads to new desires. This is when you'll really get your role in the “ big wellness journey “
Does that sentence make you want to roll your eyes? That’s okay. It makes me feel that way too. But remember this: you're naturally inclined to grow and expand. You're not on a mission to 'get there' because you're already here. So, enjoy the process…
For me, falling in love with this process wasn't easy. So spoiler alert: I reinvented my own thing. The word 'wellness' felt overwhelming, so I switched to 'well-being.' Eventually, it all boiled down to me, just being a regular human, embracing all the different pieces that make me complete. Starting from scratch oddly felt amazing. It's not about a checklist of self-care tasks that must be done by midnight.
Regardless of your reasons for pursuing a wholesome lifestyle, this guide is an excellent way to kickstart personal growth. It's about getting in touch with the root of all those wholesome achievements: your desires. We'll show you how to turn those desires into practical plans, making them part of your daily routine.
If you've had a lingering idea in your mind for a while, take this as a sign. Those feelings are trying to tell you something important. It's a strong push on the right path.
“the thing is there is an entire section in the library called
self-help, but there is no section called help-others. And
here, we are daring to recognize true wellness, by
helping others physical, mental and energetic wellbeing…”
Identify areas in your well-being that matters most to you. Because motivation is not something we are born with. Many of us know exactly what we need to do, we just don’t feel like doing it right now. And when later comes, we don’t feel like it then either. If that thing we are working on is not fresh in our minds we can quickly lose momentum
First take a few deep breaths, inhale deeply through you nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Second, Close your eyes and imagine your perfect day. This can be any day, whether it's in the near future or a dream day far ahead. Now, As you visualize, engage all your senses. What do you see, hear, feel, smell, and taste on this perfect day? Imagine the details vividly.
[ write out a clear intention about your well-being as one who can see oneself already in possession of what you just visualized ]
Life is all about the habits we create. So, what's the secret to well-being?
It's not just a one-time act; it's a lifestyle. Feeling good and staying healthy is an ongoing journey, not a quick fix. I've got four steps to share from my own journey to well-being, and it's all about how our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs shape our behavior. B.F. Skinner's 'stimulus, response, reward' model explains how external cues influence our habits, but we're in it for the long run...
So, let's break it down:
1. Cue (the trigger/hint)
2. Craving (motivation: thoughts, feelings, and emotions)
3. Response (the actual habit: an action)
4. Reward (the end goal)
We're naturally driven by rewards. They satisfy us, and they teach us. This four-step pattern forms the core of every habit, and our brains follow this order each time. For example:
Cue: You wake up.
Craving: You want to feel awake and part of the caffeine-loving-meme-sharing human race.
Response: You grab a cup of the liquid brown gold.
Reward: You satisfy your craving.
That's how habits are formed. Feel free to experiment with these steps, keep a journal, and try different combinations to make your journey in the wellness jungle smoother
Experiment with making your habits more attractive and link actions you need to do with actions you want to do
We all have both good and bad habits, so it's crucial to take a closer look. To find out more in depth I recommend reading the Atomic Habit by James Clear. One of his proven and easy rule for forming good habits is to make them attractive. When you anticipate that an opportunity will be rewarding, your dopamine levels spike in anticipation. You can also make your habits more attractive by practicing temptation building, which involves delaying gratification by linking something you need to do with something you want to do.
Delay gratification and make your habits more attractive by associating them with enjoyable actions
Another powerful technique is habit stacking. It's simple: "After [current habit], I will [new habit]." For instance, if you want to check Instagram but also need to bring more movement to your day-today, you can stack it like this:
After I pick up my phone, I'll do ten single legged Romanian deadlifts (what I need)
After I do ten single legged Romanian deadlifts, I'll check my Instagram (what I want)
“Whenever you’re feeling vulnerable to negativity, it is important to seek protection. The best lightning
rod for your protection is your own spine”
Sometimes the difficulties you face can be great teachers, yet other times you may be facing an energetic blockage. It’s important to recognize the difference so you understand when to have grace through conflict, and when to pick up your metaphysical sword and armor.
When setbacks hit, see them as a message that your current plans need some fine-tuning. It's time to rebuild and set sail once more towards your transformed goal. Winners never quit, and quitters never win. So, don't give up; instead, evolve your plans. Start afresh and keep going until you find what works best for you. Whats well for you?
And to take your plans to the next level:
Stay Adaptable: Be open to change and willing to adapt. Your journey might hit some bumps, but each one is a chance to learn and grow. Be presence in those moments, sit in the shitstorm, then take a deep breath, spine straight and titties out. Move on by adjusting your sails, and set your course anew.
Team Up: Gather a group of like-minded individuals to brainstorm and work together. It's your very own Think Tank—no sharks allowed!
Win-win mindset: Before forming your group, think about what each member brings to the table. What can you offer them in return for their support? Having meaningful conversations is key.
Regular Meetings: Schedule meet-ups with your Think Tank at least twice a week, and whenever possible. Frequent communication keeps the creative juices flowing.
Wholesome Relationships: Strive for perfect harmony with every member of your Think Tank. Being both a teacher and a student is vital. To thrive, you must give and receive.
Journaling about our habits might initially feel odd if we're accustomed to skimming over details. However, over time, these details enhance our awareness, enabling us to recognize behavioral patterns and cycles as they occur. This is when we create this possibility of choosing something different and making the positive changes that we want for ourselves
In my own personal experience it’s a privilege to have a phone that allows me to set up shortcuts. For example, when my wake-up alarm goes off, an app that tracks my hormonal cycle activates. If I close that app, a guided breathing meditation starts playing. All I have to do is turn off the alarm and put in my earphones. It's a no-brainer and a great way to start my day. I believe you should implement shortcuts in your life too.
No, you don't need the latest tech invention to imply shortcuts. Your mind is the most powerful tool you have, and it's free. We often undervalue what we get for free, but the most precious things in life are given to us at no cost — our minds, souls, bodies, dreams, and love for family and friends. These are the things that truly matter. It's your birthright to feel free and well. Life is too short to stress about the small stuff. You can't control everything, but you can control your actions, reactions, and your well-being.
It’s not always clear what we need to change and how to do it. You can not change what you cannot make sense of. The most effective way to resolve a problem is to understand the problem inside out. That brings us back to journaling:
So, ask yourself, what can you simplify in your my habits?
What shortcuts can you put in place?
How did the way you think about your habits impact on how you felt?
What urges did you have?
Schedule your day in time blocks to improve productivity and reduce overwhelm. Start managing your energy instead of micromanaging time
Instead of being stuck in decision-making, I created my own planner, 'Big Productive Energy,' which is designed to help with the decision-making process and getting things done. It's divided into four sections:
1. Quick Tasks: These are 5 to 15-minute tasks that clear your mind.
2. Tasks: To-do's that take 30 minutes to an hour.
3. Projects: Break down your big projects into achievable tasks.
4. Time Blocks: Schedule your day in blocks to get into a productive flow.
By creating time blocks, you can get in the right headspace, be more productive, and avoid feeling overwhelmed. It's all about making your well-being more manageable and enjoyable.
Let's face it, some days your to-do list can feel never-ending. But here's a cool exercise to lighten the load:
First, take a look at your long list of tasks. Pick out only the things you absolutely, positively intend to do today. It could be stuff you feel you must do or things you genuinely want to do. These are the tasks that, no matter what, you're determined to tackle today. Write them under 'Things I Will Do Today.'
As for the rest, put them on ‘life itself will figure it out for me' side. You see, to achieve anything, you've got just two things to do: figure out what you want and then get out of your own way to let it happen.
Sometimes, it's okay to feel a little lost, like you don't know anything at all. It's in those moments that we can remember everything we need. Losing our way can lead us back to where we truly belong and help us step into our new palace of possibilities.
In simple terms, ask for what you want and find a way to get into a vibe that makes it happen— because, trust me, life is always ready to deliver when you ask. There's no need to stress or drag things around. When you understand that there's a constant stream of well-being coming your way, and it's only your resistance that slows things down, you'll realize that things can happen really fast when you go with the flow
well done!