warning: may become free, wise and dynamic AF by reading
On my journey toward wellness, I recognized the importance of grounding myself in scientific knowledge to feel confident about integrating well-being practices into my life. With that rich history behind me, I sought reassurance as I reconnected with my own rhythm. Which ironically sounds WooWoo. But for real, it can be daunting to swim against the current without realizing that it's already flowing in our favor.
As we embrace the future of our path, it's vital not to carry over unhealthy productivity habits into our new wholesome lifestyle. Being passionate about well-being doesn't necessitate adding every healing practice to our already long to-do lists in pursuit of perfection. Perfectionism often manifests as either procrastination or excessive control. How can we thrive in such a mental maze?
Getting caught in the dance of procrastination or micromanagement is stressful and draining. More importantly, how do you break free from the perfectionist trap? Ask yourself: Does this behavior serve me? Is it helping me survive or feel safe? Is it benefiting me to delay the things that make me feel good? Is it serving my well-being to prioritize minute details to the point where I miss out on the joy this journey should bring?
Listen to your inner voice. The path on holistic well-being should be enjoyable, not stressful. This isn't just the 'next' wellness trend. It should be a pleasure to cultivate a loving relationship with yourself, nurturing your body, mind, and energy.
The true brilliance of wholesome living is that you don't have to do it perfectly. Flexibility is a core element of our approach.
Now, we pondering on how freeing well-being would look. What comes to mind when you think about your journey to a healthier, happier you? Is there a picture you keep on imagining?
From there, we get to choose what action we take to bring ourselves closer to the path that we want to be on.
For this exercise, pick one thing that's most important for your well-being. It could be about your career, personal growth, health, money, or any part of your life. We'll call this your "big idea" - let's call it 'X' for now.
X =
Now, let's work on building your confidence and belief in this 'X' idea. Imagine that it's not just possible but absolutely going to happen. Feel those good feelings like confidence, joy, excitement, and gratitude. Can you think of any reasons that make you believe this will work?
What's the next step to make your 'X' idea come true? Who's there to help you, if anyone? What do you see, hear, smell, and feel when you reach your goal? How do you get started with 'X'? Don't worry too much about how it will happen, just focus on what you need to do. Take small steps each day —even a 1% improvement is progress. Keep at it, and by the end of the year, you'll be 365% better at least! So, make a plan. It's your starting point.
Remember, having faith is good, but it's not enough. You need to take action too. Break your 'X' goal into smaller steps and start doing them. If you like, you can keep a record of your progress.
Instead of resisting change, dance with it. Be open to new experiences and try out different tools. If you've been following my content, you know we're all about holistic well-being—nurturing both body and mind. We've explored tools to help you realize your potential and use them effectively
The key is again to recognize true wellness. Everything is vibrating, moving, changing, and buzzing into a state of feeling well. This aspect is more emotionally, energetic. It’s the glue between all of your components that make you, you.
At Whatswell we use words like 'feeling well’, ‘holistic,' components, concepts, or tools interchangeably because they're like cool processes that help you achieve whatever you're passionate about. And here's the secret sauce: If you approach them playfully, you'll face way less resistance compared to seeing them as fixes for something broken.
The key to success is hidden in these processes, and they can help you let go of resistance. So, think of wellness as something you genuinely enjoy, not something you're forced to do. It's about riding the waves of emotions and dancing with change instead of resisting it. Be an explorer discovering your true well-being, like an alien in a new world. Pretend, play, ask questions, listen, try out new things like weird fruits.
When you start with a full tank, you can go anywhere.
Make wholesomeness your natural state
Life is way too big and grand to be bored or feel forced. You have the freedom to pick the tools that vibe with you the most and use them until they become second nature. That's how you make wholesomeness your natural state.
If you feel called to do something, don't let the tiny details like ‘not feeling ready' hold you back. Be present in the unfolding. Awesome things are waiting for you, so choose health and well-being. What do you enjoy experiencing? What sounds fun to you? How can you add some 'golden day' elements to your daily routine now and in the future? As you move forward through this day or this week, what is one value that you will try bring to each choice and action? Examples here might be ‘Today I choose to bring enthusiasm/compassion/curiosity/courage (choose your pick) to each experience. I will do this by…’
Creative ideas come from sources deep within us, and they're often more trustworthy than what our logical minds conjure. This is the underbelly of how you think and behave.
When the focus is not on what happens for you but in the kind of person you want be and feel, the contribution you want to make and the attitude you want to face life with, no mater what happens. So enjoy it
time for a little experiment:
1.gather supplies: blank sheet of paper, colored markers, pencils or crayons.
2.create a beautiful garden and the butterflies will come. ( *eye roll* ) I promise. Imagine your life as a beautiful garden where your goals, ideas, believes and values are like colorful flowers. On your blank sheet of paper, draw a garden landscape. Be as creative as you like. In your garden, draw flowers that represent the above. These could be career goals, personal development, health, or anything else related to your well-being. Give each flower a unique shape, color, size and name.
3.have fun with it: sit down and look at your ‘garden’. Imagine that you're strolling through this garden, exploring the colorful flowers. As you walk through your garden, interact with each flower. Visualize how each idea has already come to fruition. Feel the positive emotions around it.
4.talk to your garden: If you are totally delulu...you can even speak out loud about how wonderful it is to have these flowers. Make it playful and fun. For example, you can give your flowers fun names or personalities. Imagine conversations with them or even dance around your garden with joy.
5.go ahead and unleash your inner artist on a sheet of paper
You are not just something broken that need to be fixed. You are human, having human experiences. Be intrinsically motivated to become the best, wholesome version of yourself
The most empowering choice we can make is to believe that everything is here to assist us. It's the difference between believing that we create our own experiences (intrinsic) and thinking our experiences are imposed on us by external forces (extrinsic).
Society (likes to believe) it thrives when we are extrinsically motivated. At least, this is how capitalism runs, this is how people believe that they are victims, they forfeit their power. But what if we channeled our energy into what truly motivates us from within?
When we think there is a purpose for our pain, this discomfort of it dissolves. It gives us more space to breath, feel and heal. It turns from an annoyance to an opportunity. Our suffering ceases. None of us is guaranteed of a happy, healthy life. If we want meaning we have to create it.
When we find purpose in our pain, it becomes less uncomfortable. Pain transforms from a nuisance into an opportunity for growth, healing, and self-discovery. It's a shift from suffering to learning. Life doesn't guarantee happiness and health; we have to create meaning for ourselves.
To discover peace, fun, we must understand that suffering has a purpose; it offers a contrast to our good days and well-being. It helps us understand what we don't want and clarifies what we truly desire. Our suffering serves as a guide for personal growth, leading us toward greater well-being.
Worrying won't bring back what's lost. Find abundance in life's small moments. Materialism can distract us from our true essence. Reflect on what you genuinely have in abundance right now: life, love, family, friendships. Live in appreciation of your blessings, and from that state of contentment, you'll attract unexpected blessings.
Well done!